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Price search results for 32 0472 1NU Drag Specialties Kickstand For Harley Davidson XL 1200 C 2004 2020 Shortens 254 mm 1 Chrome 

32-0472-1NU - Drag Specialties Kickstand For Harley Davidson XL 1200 C 2004-2020 Shortens 25.4 mm (1") - Chrome

32-0472-1NU - Drag Specialties Kickstand For Harley Davidson XL 1200 C 2004-2020 Shortens 25.4 mm (1") - Chrome

Features: High-strength steel kickstand. Replaces OEM kickstands perfectly. Under stock length kickstands are for bikes with more

Features: High-strength steel kickstand. Replaces OEM kickstands perfectly. Under stock length kickstands are for bikes with lowered suspention. Big Twin, Softail, FLT and XL kickstands are measured from the first bend at the top to the first bend at the bottom of the kickstand..


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