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Price search results for 14580R13 75M Continental ContieContact Car Tyres Fuel EfficientTyres Protyre 

145/80R13 75M Continental - Conti.eContact - Car Tyres - - Fuel EfficientTyres - Protyre

145/80R13 75M Continental - Conti.eContact - Car Tyres - - Fuel EfficientTyres - Protyre

The Conti.eContact™ is available in 3 sizes and features a completely new design which offers optimised rolling resistance and more

The Conti.eContact™ is available in 3 sizes and features a completely new design which offers optimised rolling resistance and reduced fuel consumption. The product design, including an aerodynamic sidewall design with golf ball structure is aimed at reducing rolling resistance to maximise drive distances for EV fitments.Factory fitted by Renault and VW


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