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Price search results for Champion Spark Plug A6GC 

Champion Spark Plug A6GC

Champion Spark Plug A6GC

Champion A6GC / OE112/T10 GOLD PALLADIUM Spark Plug Replaces A6GChampion have develpoed the Gold Palladium spark plug featuring a more

Champion A6GC / OE112/T10 GOLD PALLADIUM Spark Plug Replaces A6GChampion have develpoed the Gold Palladium spark plug featuring a fine wire centre electrode for premium performance. The design features of this plug type allow a smaller gap to be run than with conventional electrodes, as the spark masking effect is considerably reduced, ths aising easier starting and eliminating the misfire often associated with small spark gaps. The longer,slimmer core nose provides a greater shunt path distance to earth, and also a greater cavity volume between the core nose and plug shell allowing more efficient gas scavenging.Longer Service LifeEasier StartingBetter protection againstIf you are unsure as to whether this is the correct part for your vehicle, please don't hesitate to contact us. Alternatively please use the cross reference table above.


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